Joined the Voyager Bike Club; they meet Wednesdays and Thursdays and bike 20-40 miles each day around Tucson on a very nice trail system (wide, paved lanes with center line in most places). The Club alternates between transporting bikes and riding from Voyager Park. The club averages about 11-14 mph but since we had head winds on both days, the average speed was a bit slower. Seem like a nice bunch of people who are as interested in social connection as they are biking.
We transported bikes and rode about 34 miles on Wednesday from Brandi Fenton Park Trailhead to Rusty's Restaurant on Grant Road. We had 8 riders on Wednesday.
Thursday we also rode about 34 miles but this time from Voyager and we had 12 riders. Stopped at Brugger's Bagels for lunch. I don't recall Thursday's route; still getting my bearings around Tucson.
One surprise for me was to find a bike shop located adjacent to the trail on Wednesday; very fortunate as one rider needed a chain replacement.

Bike shop along the trail on Wednesday's ride.

Taking a break at the bike shop while waiting for one of our rider's chains to be replaced.

View of typical trail in the Tucson system.
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